Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Michael Jackson Movement Part 3.2

Ahh, it's amazing how a day can go by and even though you do a lot you feel like you've accomplished nothing. Well, luckily today wasn't one of those days. But it almost was. Good news, I sold another shirt! And I won't be losing any money on any of the eBay items I listed. The point though is not to just break even, I'm actually trying to RAISE money for the Heal the World Foundation. Good thing is, not a single shirt has gone out yet and I haven't made a commercial wearing the shirt, so all things considered, shirt sales are going pretty darn well. Also I came across this editing program that gives me templates for eBay listings. Gives me a more pro look. I like it. It's working out for me so I'm happy about that. 
Also I have got some help. The first person to join ANY Michael Jackson Movement was a girl named Corina. Luckily she's an event planner. I need one. I would've just walked out there with a bullhorn and a boom box praying for the best. We're gonna grab lunch this weekend and get some plans together so that this thing works out. 
I got my poster. Instead of just plastering it on the Apollo wall I'm going to take it to the local restaurants in Times Square, then I'll let them know that they can be a part of this if they cut all the MJM participants a break on food or drinks or something. I  think that should work well so now it's just a matter of getting to them.
I spoke with the NY division of taxation. Man 20 I have to wait if I want to sell anything without getting hassled. I'll just sell shirts to local vendors and let them sell them for me. Screw it, less work for me. Less stress. All I have to do is keep track of who needs me to bring shirts to the event for them.
Hmmm the more I type, the more productive my day seems. 
Tomorrow its more commercials, press releases, and I'm going to hold off on the restaurants till I get t shirts. They need to know we're legit.
I'm gonna contact Corina after I'm done with this to make sure I got this out of the way.
I gotta pay my bills tomorrow too! Okay I'm going to lift, read, pay my bills then get to work, because once I start working, it's like nothing else in the world exists.
There's something I neglected to mention in the first few blogs. I would be getting no where if it wasn't for the fact that the Lord God is on my side. I've been going to noon prayer at my church since before MJ passed and it has really helped me. I encourage everyone to pray. Trust me it'll make a difference. If I didn't take a half hour to cast my cares on the Lord, I'd probably go nuts by 2:00pm. Try it people, it works. Yea, my grammar and punctuation have worsened since my first day, but it's 2 am! 

Michael Jackson Movement Part 3.1

 These are just the updates I took down from the other sites, they were starting to get cluttered



UPDATED 5:13pm 6/27/2009 
This event will be sponsored through the selling of T Shirts and gloves to be worn at the Michael Jackson Movement on 7/11. Please by ours, they're going to a GOOD cause. The rest of the proceeds will be donated to the Heal the World foundation. I have set up a bank account for this and a paypal account under MichaelJacksonMovment@yahoo.com. I will keep all receipts so you know this is legit! I wanna give a special shout out to Cie for taking initiative with the gloves. I had no idea how I was going to get my hands on gloves and Cie ( pronounced "SEE") got her hands on 1000 and was ready to distribute them at the Apollo. Hats off to you Cei, I'm doing my best to make sure they go like hot cakes and that the owner of the Apollo is aware of our efforts. 
Gloves are $2 on sale outside the Apollo in NY or via PayPal with a Shirt Purchase starting Tuesday 
T Shirts are listed on ebay, starting price is one penny!


If you are coming to the event and just want to pick up your stuff you can make a suggested payment of $12( for the Shirt and Glove) via paypal at MichaelJacksonMovement@yahoo.com. Include your name and your shirt size and t should be ready for you on or before 7/11. If you wanna pick it up, beforehand, arrangements can be made.

10:05pm 6/27/09 
I emailed Melissa Johnson, president of the Heal the World Foundation and while I was not able to speak directly to her you will be pleased to know that we have their full support. I encourage you to read her blog on MJ 

I have reached out to the CEO of the Apollo theatre where many fans are gathering, I hope to hear form them soon

I will be contacting the local news on Monday to see make them aware of the movement

Pictures for fliers are up on the Photos section of this page. Let me know what you think of the MJM flier.

5:12 June 28,2009 
I was up all night in AC last night so I was knocked out today but here's the scoop 
I've contacted the Morning Show of sister stations WHTZ(z100),WWPR-fm(power 105), and WKTU (103.5 Ktu) 
Will I get a response? Who knows? Air Time? Who knows? But at least the word is being put out there. Time will tell how this will turn out. 
I also started a blogspot blog ( my first ) entitled, you guessed it: The Michael Jackson Movement

Monday, June 29, 2009

Michael Jackson Movement Part 2

And I thought day one was eventful. Hello all, I'm still at it. Another order of shirts was made. The guy Mike at National Sportswear in Belleville (unrequested plug) was really cool. I was able to secure some ladie's cut t shirts so I can't wait to see how they do.
I didn't get to create any commercials today but I did create a youtube profile for the Michael Jackson Movement, I can't upload a picture till the site has been active for 48 hours but that's okay. I just pray that I don't forget.
The poster has been made I should be able to pick it up tomorrow, I gotta get the print manager's name, he was a nice guy, and he's left handed! I guess I will be putting up the poster outside the Apollo theatre tomorrow. I guess while I'm in New York I should pick up a sales permit since I'll be selling shirts at the event on 7/11. I would like to ask for clearance to do this in Times Square. Quite honestly, if they say no I don't really care. I would entertain the idea of central park because it will give people more room and won't mess up traffic but really...to have it in Times Square would be pretty cool.
I have officially Twittered! I am MJMovement if anyone wants to follow me and my hectic journey. The good thing is I'm making friends along the way and they are offering helping hands. This is by no means a one man job and I realize that. I'm sure I'll be realizing that in the days ahead. Luckily I have a few good people on my side.
Shirts are doing well on ebay, I might create an html description but that isn't necessary. Honestly I'm going to have to put myself on a schedule cause this is nuts.
Hmmm what else...I'm on Myspace now too, which reminds me I have to check up on the MichaelJacksonMovement page on myspace. 
I also have to meet up with Cie who is providing gloves.... read about Cie in the Michael Jackson Movement group on facebook.
Finally I have to contact the HTWF and ask them to promote the shirts as the official HTWF shirts... AHHHHHHH.... 

Till next time

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Michael Jackson Movement Part 1

Sunday 1:15pm 6/28/09
I've never blogged before,please take it easy on me. Hello world! My name is Jonathan and I created this blog because I decided to start an event called the Michael Jackson Movement. Throughout much of his life and even after his death, Michael Jackson has received a ton of bad press. Quite honestly I think true fans need a venue and outlet without so much negativity. 
I am in no position to judge and I'm not God. But I do know there are a lot of people out there who really loved Michael Jackson including friends, family, and fans. I have never had to endure the pain of losing someone really close to me. The hardest news I had to take about a celebrity dying was when Aaliyah passed. Even then,  I don't think you could've called me a fanatic like some of the Michael Jackson fans around the world but it hit me kind of hard. In the many conversations I've had with Michael Jackson fans, I would gather that it's tough to see the name of someone you admire, or love, being dragged through the mud, especially after their passing. If you want to get a sense of how much people loved Michael Jackson, I encourage you to read the blog of Melissa Johnson, the president of MJ's Heal the World Foundation.  http://www.healtheworld.us/members/htwf/blog/VIEW/00000002/00000003/Message-from-HTWF-President.html#00000003
I was also surprised to see the number of people looking to cash in on MJ's death with the amount of MJ t shirts being sold online. I am sure there is a portion of those vendors who are truly sincere and want to honor MJ, but I would say the overwhelming majority just want a quick buck. Truth be told, the thought crossed my mind of the profitability of MJ t-shirts. But now, seeing the effect of MJ's death on so many people I've decided to put together the Michael Jackson Movement to good use. T Shirts will be sold and the proceeds will go to an event on 7/11 in Times Square for the fans and the rest will be donated to the Heal the World Foundation. Here's the link for information on the event:http://www.meetup.com/The-Michael-Jackson-Movement-300/
I will be updating this blog as much as possible. I'm not working right now so I have an inordinate amount of time on my hands. This is a pretty intimidating undertaking, I have no connections in entertainment and very little experience in event planning. This movement is going to be a success because of the collective effort of the people involved. I'm sure this blog is riddled with run-on sentences and grammar errors, I'll do my best to improve as I go. For now feel free to air it out on this site. One request, let's try to keep this positive and constructive, there is enough bad press out there.

Till next time